Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Voice for Equality: David Hoffman

David Hoffman served as Chicago's Inspector General from October, 2005 until August, 2009, when he resigned from his Inspector General post to run for the U.S. Senate seat currently held by Roland Burris. He joined a thin field of Democratic candidates pursuing the seat including Illinois Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias and Chicago Urban League President Cheryle Jackson. The likely GOP candidate will be Mark Kirk. To learn more [Link]

On September 21, 2009, Hoffman's office issued the following statement in support of marriage equality to the Chicago Tribune:

David Hoffman does not believe the government should intrude or discriminate on the question of who people decide to marry and spend the rest of their lives together. It's an issue of equality and fundamental fairness and all people -- regardless of sexual orientation -- should be provided the same protection under the law.

David also supports the Respect for Marriage Act bill to repeal DOMA. As a matter of constitutional law, a contract entered into in one state should be honored by all states. Just as the sanctity of opposite sex marriages in a state are honored by other states, so should the marriages of same sex couples. Without this protection, opposite sex couples can file a joint tax form and receive a tax benefit. Under present law, same sex couples can't. That's wrong. It's discrimination. And the bill to repeal the law should be adopted by congress and signed into law by President Obama, who supports the measure. [Link]
Freedom to Marry salutes David Hoffman as a Voice for Equality!

If you're inspired by Mr. Hoffman's support...why not get involved? Link to No on 1/Protect Maine Equality to find out how you can help with the vital work of preserving marriage equality in Maine!

**Make your NOMINATION for a Voice for Equality today!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Mr. Hoffman's stand is courageous, but it comes weeks after the leading Democrat, Alexi Giannoulias, came out with an even stronger statement on equality including his support of overturning DOMA and Don't Ask, Don't Tell,CST-NWS-brown03.article