Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Taking Action in Maine - A Case Study

By Andrew Eddins
Freelance Contributor,
Freedom to Marry
October 7, 2009

I’m writing this blog post today to share just how easy and rewarding it’s been to take action in support of No on 1/Protect Maine Equality. We all need to make sure the freedom to marry in Maine is protected. No Prop 8 Repeats - get involved today!

Thinking back to almost a year ago, I’m sure the morning after election night last year felt about the same to me as it did for all those who thought surely discriminatory Prop 8 would be defeated – like a hard punch to the stomach. How else to describe the sensation of hope reborn transformed in a moment to alienation and horror? I immediately wondered, “What could I have done to help out in California or even in my home state of New York, to help defeat Prop 8?” I assumed equality would win out in California, but since November 5th of last year, I’ve refused to leave anything up to chance. So when it came to the No on 1/Protect Maine Equality campaign, I realized I couldn’t just stand by and watch from the sidelines again. I needed a plan.

To quickly review the situation in Maine: the state legislature fairly and squarely passed a bill in the spring ending the exclusion of same-sex couples from marriage, and the governor signed the bill into law in May. The opposition immediately sprang into action and got a referendum on the ballot for this fall to overturn the new marriage equality law. So the sides are: No on 1 = marriage equality, and Yes on 1 = anti-marriage equality.

A couple things were already different from the previous fall. I am working part-time at Freedom to Marry, so I have much better access to the news and discussions that are going on (be sure to check our news blog for daily updates), and the marriage equality movement in Maine has been well organized from the start with specific actions people can take to help.

Here are the simple steps I took (and there are other suggestions for getting involved on the No on 1 website) to support the cause in Maine and rid myself of the anger and regret I felt from last year:
  • I donated what I could personally afford to the No on 1/Protect Maine Equality donation site and at Act Blue when they sent out special notices for funds last week when fund-raising levels were due to be released to the media (and donations more than doubled the goal!)

  • I joined the “Walk Against 1” online walk-a-thon where I could appeal to my friends and family to contribute as well. NOTE: I didn’t just send out a blanket email, I posted my participation and a link to the donation page on Facebook and posted new arguments for donating TWICE A DAY. I have so far surpassed my fund-raising goal by more than a third.

  • In addition to my “Walk Against 1” fund-raising posts and Freedom to Marry's informative fan posts on Facebook (if you haven’t become a "fan" of Freedom to Marry on Facebook – you should!), I posted my own periodic messages on the happenings in Maine on my Facebook page to make the struggle more personal and compelling to my contacts. As Evan Wolfson, the Executive Director of Freedom to Marry is always saying, we need to tell our stories! I also urged anyone moved by what I was sharing to pass it on.

  • And THE BIG FINALE: I looked into the No on 1/Protect Maine Equality “Volunteer Vacation Program”. I mentioned that I actually had family in Maine and a car to get there, so I wouldn’t need assistance with travel or lodging (although this can easily be done if you’re interested!) So I’m driving from New York City to Maine today to volunteer for a few days. I’m not sure yet exactly what I’ll be doing, but I report for work tomorrow morning at 9am and I couldn’t be more excited.

I realize I can’t personally control the final outcome in Maine on election day, but I can tell you that having fully engaged in the fight this time, I’m feeling much more in control of my emotions and, dare I say it, hopeful!

Visit the No on 1/Protect Maine Equality website today and choose your form of participation. And stay tuned for a report from my volunteer experience with No on 1/Protect Maine Equality.

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