Thursday, February 12, 2009

Voice for Equality: Fall Out Boy

Grammy-nominated pop punk/alt rock band Fall Out Boy is Pete Wentz (bass, vocals, lyrics), Patrick Stump (vocals, guitar), Joe Trohman (guitar, vocals), and Andy Hurley (percussion). On October 28, 2008, the band donated $50,000 to fight California's Proposition 8. "We believe the government shouldn't legislate love," the band said in a statement.

When Wentz was married in 2008, he said in an e-mail to the Advocate (Oct): "I am happy to get married in the same state where the state supreme court recognizes the union of gay/lesbian couples....It seems like we could have a hell of a bash as a joint anniversary over in West Hollywood next year!"

**Make your NOMINATION for a Voice for Equality today!**Make your NOMINATION for a Voice for Equality today!

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