Monday, June 15, 2009

Marriage equality law's impact on Iowans subtle, yet powerful

Des Moines Register
June 14, 2009
The changes in Iowa since the Iowa Supreme Court ruled on April 3 in favor of marriage equality are subtle but powerful to the individuals affected, according to both advocates and opponents. Same-sex married couples who live here said they are already experiencing firsthand how Iowa law still treats them differently from opposite-sex couples. Of the hundreds of same-sex Iowa couples who are now married - no state agency tracks the number of same-sex unions - some said they feel less guarded about holding hands or sharing a kiss in certain public settings. On the other hand, when it comes to openness, the ruling has not necessarily made it easier to come out of the closet, or to patch up a family feud, members of the gay community said. Many couples said they still hesitate to be visible, and they refrain from talking about a partner with people at work or church or school. [Link]

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