Sunday, November 1, 2009

Op-Ed: Vote Yes on R-71 and Support Domestic Partnership Rights

Daily Evergreen (WA)
October 7, 2009
The Daily Evergreen editorial board urges Washington state voters to "send a resounding message to the nation and take a gigantic leap for civil rights by voting for Referendum 71 on Election Day." [Link]

Support expanded Domestic Partnership rights here.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sadly, my christian brothers and sisters have warped God's words to suite their own needs. This law does not promote "gay marriage", it promotes equal treatment for those in relationships that are not marriages but still legally regocnized as a union between two people to have the same rights that are currently only allowed to those who are legally married and not to civil unions. Civil unions are NOT a homosexual institition.

These false christians have forgotten the great commandment of love thy neighbor as you would love thyself. This is an integral part of our christian believes but all to many are focused on what is considered a sin and not what the real message of Christ our savior and our Lord, God.